Executive Coaching
What is Executive Coaching?
Executive coaching is a specific type of coaching offered to individuals with greater organisational responsibility, whether this is operational, strategic or both.
It recognises that leadership at this level brings significant and complicated challenges, often related to communication, professional relationships, teams and to factors external to the organisation.
Executive level leaders face situations characterised by VUCA – volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity – and coaching helps them to navigate a successful path through these challenges. They shoulder great responsibility for the success of their organisation and for the wellbeing and productivity of those who work there.
For example, school Headteachers grapple daily with a shifting educational landscape in which the values, skills and passions of their dedicated teachers must be balanced against pupils' needs, financial restrictions, parental expectations, national requirements and curriculum guidelines.
Thinking Classroom Executive Coaching and Mentoring
Mike coaches headteachers and seniors leaders online and face-to-face, with a specific expertise working with those new to post. Over the years he has supported professionals in range of contexts, from one-form entry primary schools to MAT CEOs.
Consider executive coaching if you want ring-fenced time to pause, take breath and to step back from the situation in order to see it more clearly. Use coaching if your challenges are organisation-specific and involve the careful management of short, medium and long-term priorities, within an ever-changing context.
Find Out More
Have a conversation with Mike about executive coaching for you and your team.
Book an online meeting or make an enquiry here.
Sessions can be face-to-face or online and can be commissioned by individuals or organisations.