The good news is you're probably already at stage 4. Here are the five:
- Stability
- Survival
- Innovation
- Opportunity
- Enrichment
And here's what they look like:
1. Stability
Remember stability, clarity, security? Early 2020? Feels like decades ago don't you think? The curriculum was known and effective. Things were generally clear. We knew what to do, how to do it and (if we had the time to think about it), why we bothered. Concerns were: Ofsted, Year 9 (or Year 6), and keeping the staff room cup-washing rota viable.
2. Survival
March 2020. We fell off a cliff. Chaos. Completely unknown territory. We had no idea at all what to do. The curriculum became erratic or non-existent. We couldn't get to it because of two barriers:
Technical: How do we/they get online and what do we press when we get there?
Pedagogical: How do we do what we did so well in class when all we have is a tiny rectangle in which to do it?
3. Innovation
OK. So it wasn't good, but after the shock we took a peek at the new landscape and began to play around with our new tools: Zoom, Teams, Google Classroom, Jamboard, Mentimeter, Desmos. We crossed into the curriculum by using the barriers within our lesson design - a bit of technical skill, a bit of remote pedagogy, a bit of the literacy. The new gold standard was not wall-to-wall live teaching but creative learning design.
4. Opportunity
And here we are now, February 2021, about to return to school. We've worked hard, we're exhausted, but we've learned so much about learning - because we've had to. The barriers are significantly thinner. Well done you.
But how will we preserve our learning back in school? How will we use this opportunity we've had to grow personally and professionally?
5. Enrichment
So here's my hope for the future. A richer curriculum. See the grey rings? That's a legacy of the barriers. A reminder that struggle teaches, failure strengthens and frustration breeds success. The curriculum can be enriched because of this lengthy, uninvited and exhausting training course on which we've all been delegates: COVID-19
How well do these stages match your own experience? Did you miss any? Squeeze others in between? Linger too long? I hope we don't ever go back to stage 1, but at least if we do, this time there's a roadmap.